Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Puerto Vallarta Blue Footed Boobies

When we were in Mexico in February and March, we saw a lot of birds. One of our favorites was the Blue Footed Booby. We were on a whale watching trip, but we saw on a huge cliff (which I think is a big thing with rocky edges) a colony of blue and brown footed boobies. We are going to write about the Blue Footed Booby today, but we will soon learn about the Brown Footed, which I've just mentioned.They live off the Western coasts of America, Mexico (which is where we were, including Puerto Vallarta), and South America. They are common on the Galapagos Islands.
They dive into the water head first from 30 to 50 feet up down to get their food--fish, of course! And also squid. They hunt close to the shore. They also hunt at night.
This is its call.
Its name comes from a Spanish word that means "not smart." It was seen as a not smart bir
d because it sometimes went on ships and was approached and killed.
Jill took the picture at the top of the page. Here is another picture that we found on the internet.

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